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TKAM ch 18-20: rhetorical appeals: ethos, pathos, logos

Today I Will:
~Demonstrate evidence of reading by completing a short reading check quiz
~Record evidence from the Tom Robinson trial and identify discrepancies
~Apply knowledge of rhetorical appeals to find text evidence of each appeal in a collaborative paragraph

Key Terms:
rhetorical appeals / ethos / pathos / logos / discrepancies

Warm-up: TKAM ch 18-19 partner reading check
~Tables work together to fill in the rest of the trial testimony tracker

~Introduction to rhetorical appeals: ethos, pathos, logos
~Collaborative activity: Group paragraph (1 ES+A for ethos, 1 ES+A for pathos, 1 ES+A for logos)
Claim: In To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 18 and 19, Mr. Gilmer and Atticus utilize rhetorical appeals in their attempts to persuade the jury.

~Begin reading ch 20

~Read TKAM ch 20-21 // Focus on rhetorical appeals in Atticus' closing remarks
