Today I will:
~Dissect writing prompt, identifying writing tasks in a “do/what” chart
~Generate possible text evidence to be used in essay via a brainstorming activity
~Select best evidence and develop appropriate analysis on evidence collector
Warm-up: 7-minute quick write: Look at the image above. Reflect on your experience with To Kill a Mockingbird. Over a month ago, we looked at those images, discussed them, and made predictions. How did the novel compare to your guesses and expectations? How has it changed how you see life, America, people, yourself?
~Hand out essay topic & break down prompt using the do/what chart
(CP prompt here: LINK / HON prompt here: LINK)
~Go over synonyms & check the ones you know
~Explain organization for essay
~Brainstorm characters and perseverance, including page numbers where quotes are found ('jigsaw' this in table groups)
~Make sure you have filled out your evidence collector by paying attention and taking notes while your classmates share... if absent, that's all homework
Looking Ahead:
~CP: We will write a paragraph on Scout together tomorrow
~Essay rough (but complete) drafts due next Monday
~We will be taking a journey into The Odyssey after spring break while reflecting on our own hero's journey
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