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Showing posts from March, 2018

Wrapping up before spring break

Today I will: ~ Analyze  and  interpret  complex text by engaging in deep revision of my  To Kill a Mockingbird  essay draft ~ Reflect on my growth & progress by completing a Google Forms check-in Agenda: Warm-up : Google Forms Q4 check-in ~ Independent practice :  Did not meet competency:  Continuing with one-on-one writing conferences. Your essay revision is due Monday, April 9 by 7:30am .  Met competency: Use the CRAAP test to find an article/source that strengthens your argument. Revise two paragraphs by adding another ES from the article. See the Purdue OWL for a guide on creating a Works Cited page. Then, see me about going to the library to check out a book, if needed. Homework: ~Essay revisions: Re-submit via Google Classroom by April 8 , or I will enter 60% as the score in the grade book. Send me an email when your essay is ready for me to re-read. ~ Reading log : this is designed to hold you accountable and help you ...

CRAAP research rubric, day 2 + more revision

Today I will: ~ Comprehend and define  the " CRAAP test " by participating in a group reciprocal teaching activity ~ Analyze  and interpret  complex text by engaging in deep revision of my To Kill a Mockingbird essay draft Agenda: Warm-up :  ~ Index card check for understanding: Name: ___________________   Date: _________ 1. My group's CRAAP category is: ___________. In my own words, I define this as ________________________________ ____________________________________________________. 2. This is important to consider when conducting academic research because _____________________________________. ~Finish group presentations ~ Independent practice :  Did not meet competency: Rubrics distributed.   Re-read your essay. Read it out loud, quietly, to yourself. What do you see that needs to be changed? What do you need to add? What should be taken out? Ms. Wright will conference with all students individually. Met competency: Use the ...

Evaluating research: is it CRAAP?

Today I will: ~ Comprehend and define  the "CRAAP test" by participating in a Four Corners discussion and a group reciprocal teaching activity ~ Evaluate  an online source for its appropriateness in academic research and writing Agenda: Warm-up : Four corners discussion: " Fact or CRAAP? " ~Distribute CRAAP Rubric handout. Keep this safe! ~Group presentations-- materials (slides template) in Classroom ~ Index card exit slip: Name: ___________________   Date: _________ 1. My group's CRAAP category is: ___________. In my own words, I define this as ________________________________ ____________________________________________________. 2. This is important to consider when conducting academic research because _____________________________________. Homework: Continue considering your options for independent reading. It should be a work of fiction or narrative nonfiction. Your only homework over spring break will be to read for at least 5 thirty-mi...

TKAM essay finale!

Today I will: ~ Evaluate my growth as a writer through a self-evaluation ~ Apply my knowledge of technology by submitting my essay on Agenda: Warm-up:   Self-evaluation via Google Forms ~Upload essays in  (Class ID: 17745935 // Key: block2wright) ~Watch the rest of To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) ~Burrito raffle! Homework: ~Talk to your family, browse your shelves, the library, a used bookstore, or the interwebs...we are going to find independent fiction books ! (Yay!) We'll drop by the library on Thursday. Looking Ahead: ~Wed-Fri, we will learn strategies to verify sources online and conduct research ~We will be taking a journey into  The Odyssey  after spring break while reflecting on our own hero's journeys

TKAM final essay, day 5: revision

Today I will: ~ Analyze my own writing and peers' essays by participating in a peer review activity ~ Apply my knowledge of technology by typing and editing my writing on the computer Agenda: Warm-up:  Kahoot re: r evision & formatting   Class today: ~ CP prompt here: LINK / HON prompt here: LINK ~CP peer review handout  / HON peer review handout ~HON: If you are utilizing any articles found through online research, visit this page for guidance on correct MLA citation:  Purdue OWL Homework: ~ Revise your essay (   6 raffle tickets for final drafts tomorrow) Essays submitted 1 day late will lose 15 points automatically Looking Ahead: ~Tomorrow, we will upload essays to, do the burrito raffle, & watch the rest of the movie ~Wed-Fri, we will learn strategies to verify sources online and conduct research ~We will be taking a journey into  The Odyssey  after spring break while reflecting on our own hero's j...

TKAM essay, day 4: intros and conclusions

Today I will: ~ Analyze and interpret the text of TKAM by writing introduction and conclusion paragraphs ~ Apply my knowledge of technology by typing and editing my writing on the computer Agenda: Warm-up:  Intro & Conclusion scramble (via Google Classroom) Class today: ~ CP prompt here: LINK / HON prompt here: LINK ~CP/HON: Draft introduction and conclusions ~HON: If you are utilizing any articles found through online research, visit this page for guidance on correct MLA citation:  Purdue OWL Homework: ~ Finish your complete essay draft (   6 raffle tickets for all complete drafts on Monday!) ~Stuck on the intro or conclusion? Here's some more helpful information: ~ ~Still stuck? Here's a link to read essays that Harper Lee wrote:

TKAM essays, day 3: drafting body paragraphs

Today I will: ~ Analyze and interpret the text of TKAM by writing 2 body paragraphs ~ Apply my knowledge of technology by typing and editing my writing on the computer Agenda: Warm-up:  Video: "Why Perfect Grades Don't Matter" What's your perspective on grades? Do you feel pressure to achieve perfection, either from parents/family or yourself? How do your grades relate to your sense of self-worth? Class today: ~ CP prompt here: LINK / HON prompt here: LINK ~CP: Finish body paragraph #1; write paragraph #2 independently ~HON: Draft body paragraphs; check with Ms. Wright on your claim/thesis before proceeding forward ~HON: If you are utilizing any articles found through online research, visit this page for guidance on correct MLA citation: Purdue OWL Homework: ~Finish body paragraphs Looking Ahead: ~We will look at intros/conclusions tomorrow and draft our own ~Essay rough (but  complete)  drafts due next Monday: 6 raffle tickets for all complete...

TKAM essay, day 2: more brainstorming, drafting a paragraph

Today I will: ~Generate possible text evidence to be used in essay via a brainstorming activity ~Select best evidence and develop appropriate analysis on evidence collector Agenda: Warm-up:  Video: "Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset" Question: How would taking a growth mindset toward writing help me to more successfully and happily  complete this task? Class today: ~ CP prompt here: LINK / HON prompt here: LINK ~"Huddle" with various honors topic groups ~CP: Write one body paragraph together; type it out in your own doc. Homework: ~Finish drafting body paragraph 1 ~Have your main thesis typed in. I will check those tomorrow. Looking Ahead: ~CP: You will write paragraph 2 tomorrow ~Essay rough (but  complete)  drafts due next Monday ~We will be taking a journey into  The Odyssey  after spring break while reflecting on our own hero's journey

TKAM essay, day 1: prompt, brainstorming

Today I will: ~ Dissect writing prompt, identifying writing tasks in a “do/what” chart ~Generate possible text evidence to be used in essay via a brainstorming activity ~Select best evidence and develop appropriate analysis on evidence collector Agenda: Warm-up:  7-minute quick write: Look at the image above. Reflect on your experience with To Kill a Mockingbird . Over a month ago, we looked at those images, discussed them, and made predictions. How did the novel compare to your guesses and expectations? How has it changed how you see life, America, people, yourself? ~ Hand out essay topic & break down prompt using the do/what chart (CP prompt here: LINK / HON prompt here: LINK ) ~Go over synonyms & check the ones you know ~Explain organization for essay ~Brainstorm characters and perseverance, including page numbers where quotes are found ('jigsaw' this in table groups) Homework: ~Make sure you have filled out your evidence collector by payi...

TKAM socratic seminar + review

Today I will: ~Analyze and interpret   TKAM  by answering questions in preparation for the Socratic seminar ~Explain  my perspective on TKAM  and understand  others' views and interpretations by speaking and listening actively during the Socratic seminar Agenda: Warm-up : Empty the Cup, Fill the Cup (in a circle outside) Writing : Working alone or with a partner, do 2-3 quick writes. I will collect your Socratic Seminar Entry ticket at the end of class. Speaking : Socratic seminar; this time, we will divide into just 3 groups. Remember, I am 'score-keeping' on your verbal participation; 3 times = full credit Thinking : TKAM  test study guide distributed; time to work on it collaboratively or independently Homework: ~Prepare for Monday's test Coming up: Test on Monday (60+ questions)

Writing practice & wrapping up TKAM

Today I will: ~ Define  vocabulary terms by completing a quiz ~ Interpret and analyze  character development by contributing to a group body paragraph ~ Interpret and analyze  the text of TKAM  by preparing for a Socratic Seminar tomorrow Key Terms: character development/characterization :  collective observable changes in an individual's defining characteristics over the course of a narrative prejudice :  an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion, etc. perception :  the way you think about or understand someone or something speculation:  ideas or guesses about something that is not known Agenda: Warm-up:  Vocabulary Quiz Why do we often misjudge people, situations, characters? How do our perspectives shift? Writing instruction ( practice prompt  here) ( Teacher copy with notes & 2nd paragraph here) ~Write a body paragraph as a class: focus on the rubric area you stud...

TKAM ch 29-30: finishing the book & practicing writing

Today I will: ~ Define and explain  vocabulary terms by completing a cloze with the terms in context ~ Examine a sample essay and generate a list of writing tips through a reciprocal teaching activity ~ Interpret and analyze  character development by contributing to a group body paragraph Key Terms: character development/characterization :  collective observable changes in an individual's defining characteristics over the course of a narrative prejudice :  an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion, etc. perception :  the way you think about or understand someone or something speculation:  ideas or guesses about something that is not known Agenda: Warm-up:   Vocabulary cloze (fill in the blank) in context; do activity in your notebook Writing instruction ( practice prompt  here) ~Small groups examine sample body paragraph, generating a list of 3 tips/strategies to take from the sample (...

TKAM ch 27-28 + writing practice

Today I will: ~ Define and explain vocabulary terms by presenting posters ~ Interpret and analyze character development in TKAM  by filling out the character brainstorm graphic organizer & participating in a group body paragraph writing activity Key Terms: character development/characterization :  collective observable changes in an individual's defining characteristics over the course of a narrative prejudice :  an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion, etc. perception :  the way you think about or understand someone or something speculation:  ideas or guesses about something that is not known Agenda: Warm-up:  Table groups present vocabulary posters Why do we often misjudge people, situations, characters? How do our perspectives shift? Writing instruction :  ~Distribute practice prompt ~Do/what chart ~Groups complete 1 brainstorm entry ~Whole class discussion & building a bo...

TKAM ch 26-27: vocabulary, discussion, analysis

Today I will: ~Define new vocabulary terms, use them in context, and apply the knowledge to create posters ~ Analyze and interpret the text of TKAM  ch 26 through discussion of my homework, selecting and responding to specific text evidence ~ Read and discuss TKAM  ch 27 through an interactive read-aloud Key Terms: Audible : Able to be heard with the ear Aggregation : A group or collection of unlike things Convene : To come together or gather for a meeting Dialectic : a method of examining and discussing opposing ideas in order to find the truth Repertoire: A set of skills, abilities or knowledge that a person regularly uses Tactic: An action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a goal Vague: Uncertain, indefinite, unclear Vocab quiz on Thursday! Agenda: Warm-up : 5-minute vocab posters ~Use markers, gluesticks, etc. (on the back counter) ~Include: 2+ images/illustrations, synonyms, & an example sentence ~ Ch 26 homework check + discussion (...

TKAM ch 24-25: honing our writing skills + learning new vocabulary

Today I Will: ~Write a claim and select relevant text evidence ~Define new vocabulary terms, use them in context, and apply the knowledge to skits ~Conduct independent research that connects with and extends the curriculum Agenda: Warm-up : Find a significant quote from ch 24 or 25. Write it down on the top of a sheet of paper. Then we will do a "write-around" in table groups. (20 min) Table Groups : Vocabulary teaching Each group will make a poster with: 1) Word; 2) definition 3)Example sentence 4) In context in TKAM  5)Picture/illustration Audible: Able to be heard with the ear Aggregation: A group or collection of unlike things Convene: To come together or gather for a meeting Dialectic: An action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a goal Repertoire: A set of skills, abilities or knowledge that a person regularly uses Tactic: An action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a goal Vague: Uncertain, indefinite, unclear Independen...